Infinite Freedom. A Jungle Poem.
In a car that “fits 5”
With 13 people
The only traveler amongst locals
3 in the front
5 in the back
5 in the trunk
Packed in like sardines
I hold on tightly to my drum to keep her safe…
Flying through the jungle
With my head tilting out of the window
Staring up at the blazing star nation
Looking for the sacred messages I know are written in the sky
Fresh jungle air blowing in my face
I close my eyes and look inside
The car is shaking because it is so old and because the roads are nothing but soil, rocks and mud
Spanish music blasting accompanied by the symphony of the jungle
Sounds familiar & unknown
Stray dogs run alongside of our car and cheer us on as we coast along
The car moves fast
Yet time feels slow… suspended
Tears of joy slide down my face
In this moment, I feel my heart beat
In this perfect moment I reconnect with infinite freedom
Written with love + care by,
Amaru Ñan Warmi / Zihuakoatl Zitlallinikue / Metsa Rate
Have you written any poetry inspired by your time in the jungle?
If you’d like to share your thoughts or contribute to this conversation you can do so on IG: @GuidedByGrandma